Welcom to Kishani Tech

Hello and welcome to Learning with Kishani! This is a special place where you can follow along as I, Kishani, embark on my journey to learn programming.

I'm 7+ years old, currently studying in Singapore and I'm just starting to explore the amazing world of coding. Join me as I share what I'm learning, the fun projects I’m working on, and the cool things I discover along the way!

I'm excited to share my experiences with you as I learn new things. Coding is like solving puzzles and creating magic on the computer, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I hope my journey inspires other kids to start coding too!


What is Program?

A program is a set of instructions that a computer follows to do something. It tells the computer what to do, step by step, to solve a problem or perform a task.

How Does It Work?

A computer reads the steps in the program and does them one by one

Why Are Programs Important?

Programs help us play games, quiz, and even do homework on the computer.

They make computers smart and able to do many cool things.

Who Writes Programs?

People who write programs are called programmers or coders.

They use special languages that computers can understand to write the instructions.


A variable is like a container that holds information.

It can store different types of data, such as numbers, words, or even pictures

A variable is like a magic box that can hold numbers, words, or pictures.

Think of it as a box with a label where you can put things inside and change them whenever you want.

Data Types

When we use computers, we often need to store different kinds of information.

This information can be numbers, letters, words, or even true or false correctAnswers

In computer programming, these different kinds of information are called "data types."

By understanding these basic data types, you'll be able to start thinking like a computer scientist

Integers (int)

What are they? Whole numbers without any decimal point. Examples: 1, 2, 3, -5, 100 Where do we use them? Counting things like apples, people, or scores in a game.

Floating-Point Numbers (float and double)

What are they? Numbers with a decimal point. Examples: 1.5, 2.75, -3.14, 100.0 Where do we use them? Measuring things like height, weight, or the amount of money.

Characters (char)

What are they? Single letters, digits, or symbols. Examples: 'A', 'b', '3', '$' Where do we use them? Writing names, symbols, or any single character.

Strings (string)

What are they? A series of characters joined together. Examples: "Hello", "123 Main St.", "Chocolate!" Where do we use them? Writing sentences, addresses, or any text.


Addition (+)

Addition is like putting two groups of things together.

For example, 2 + 3 = 5

Subtraction (-)

Subtraction is like taking some things away from a group.

For example, 5 - 2 = 3

Multiplication (*)

Multiplication is like adding a group of things a certain number of times.

For example, 4 * 2 = 8

Division (/)

Division is like sharing things equally into groups.

For example, 8 / 2 = 4

Equality (=)

Equality means that two things are the same.

For example, 5 = 5

Greater Than (>)

Greater than means one number is bigger than another number.

For example, 7 > 5

Less Than (<)

Less than means one number is smaller than another number.

For example, 3 < 5

Modulus (%)

Modulus gives the remainder after division of two numbers.

For example, 5 % 2 = 1


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1. What is a variable?

2. What is a data type?

3. Which of these is a number data type?

4. What is an operation in programming?

5. What symbol is used for addition in programming?

6. What is a string data type?

7. Which operation is used to subtract numbers?

8. What is a boolean data type?

9. Which of these is used for multiplication?

10. What is a float data type?